Our Winter Membership Drive continues this week on WPR. Thanks to everybody who gave us such a great showing on the first day of the drive when Here on Earth racked up over $8000 in pledges! We'll be taking your pledges all week but, for Here on Earth, our big day comes this Friday, March 4th when we'll be joined by Barry Levenson, Curator of the Mustard Museum when our thank you gift will be a jar of Jean Feraca's Mustard on Earth! Click here to pledge now!
Jean’s Pick of the Week (watch video): Tunisia, Cairo, Wisconsin: It is difficult not to get caught up in the heady swell of people power as we witness the demise of dictators all over the Arab world while here at home, protestors against the perceived injustices of the governor's Budget Repair Bill continue to draw their energy from "A Force More Powerful."
Monday: Al Jazeera's Revolution: When it came into existence fifteen years ago, Al Jazeera was the first Arab broadcaster not completely controlled by a government. Now it's been playing a crucial role in the current uprisings sweeping the Arab world. How did Al Jazeera become the enemy of dictatorship and a friend to democracy?
Tuesday: An Optimist's Tour of the Future: Healthcare tailored to genetic profiles, machines that pull carbon dioxide out of the air, what's next? Writer Mark Stevenson set out to answer that question by talking with scientists and philosophers around the world who are thinking deep into the future.
Wednesday: A Force More Powerful: The uprising that started in Tunis was carried into Egypt and is now throughout much of the Middle East and North Africa is being spread through the power of non-violent resistance. What is the history of nonviolent resistance, and what we can learn from those brave enough to use its power as a strategy to topple atrocious regimes?
Thursday: Big in China: When suburban dad Alan Paul's wife was offered a job as the Wall Street Journal's China Bureau Chief in Beijing, he agreed to move the whole family, including three kids, to China. But instead of just being the tag-along, he ended up with an adventure of his own, founding and fronting a Chinese blues band that made it big in China.
Friday: Food Whiz Quiz and Mustard on Earth: Barry Levenson, curator of the Mustard Museum, joins us for another round of the Food Whiz Quiz. We'll also be offering a very special pledge premium: "Jean Feraca's Mustard on Earth"! You can choose this thank you gift during our show or anytime during the drive when you pledge to the Ideas Network.
It's an exciting week, it's an exciting world, it's an exciting time to be Here on Earth!