Friday, April 1, 2011

Programs for the Week of 4/4

We're looking ahead to a week of great shows as Veronica and Lori step in while Jean continues her travels in the Middle East and North Africa (at least, we think that's where she ended up!).

Monday: The Dressmaker of Khair Khana: When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 1996, womens' lives changed overnight as they were forced into their homes. Yet Afghan women didn’t give up. Journalist Gayle Tzemach Lemmon tells us the story of a young woman who became an entrepreneur and whose business created jobs and hope for many women in her neighborhood during the Taliban years.

Tuesday: Teachers Around The World: American teachers are called everything from lazy to hardworking. Either way, we all depend on the quality of their work. While Wisconsin teachers made themselves heard protesting Gov. Walker's budget repair bill, other countries have their own conversations about the worth of teachers’ work. What lessons can we learn by looking at teachers abroad?

Wednesday: Unhitched: Love and Family Around the World: What makes a "family"? People answer this question in diverse ways around the world. Family researcher Judith Stacey joins us to discuss unique family forms from America, South Africa, and China, including polygamous households and a community that has no marriage at all.

Thursday: An Army of Phantoms: How did Hollywood impact your experience of the Cold War? We take a trek back to the early days of the Cold War with film historian and critic Jim Hoberman to examine how anxieties about communism made it onto the big screen and, then, straight into our heads.

Friday: The D.I.Y. Kitchen: In her recent feature in the New York Times, Julia Moskin details easy projects for an afternoon in the kitchen. It's a do-it-yourself starter kit for everyone. Join us as we learn to make North African preserved lemons, Chinese Chili Oil, and Crème Fraîche!

Here on Earth Producer, Carly

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